
SoftBank RoboticsによるPepperのロボアプリ開発者向け公式マニュアルが公開中だ。タイトルは「How to Create a Great Experience with Pepper」、日本語に訳すと「いかにPepperで素晴らしい体験をつくるか」といったところだろうか。
1A. Pepper is not just a robot, Pepper is a humanoid-robot
1B. Pepper is a humanoid but not a human
02 Pepper is a character
2A. Pepper is approachable, genuine, and engaging
2B. Pepper is enthusiastic
2C. Pepper should lead interactions
2D. Pepper tries to be smart
2E. Pepper is polite
2F. Pepper is playful
03 Pepper communicates mainly by voice
3A. Pepper uses natural language
3B. Pepper’s language is easy to understand
04 Pepper is not just a tablet
4A. Pepper’s tablet is secondary
4B. Pepper’s tablet is essential in some cases
4C. Pepper is aware of the tablet
4D. Pepper and the tablet work as a team
05 Pepper is easy to use
5A. Pepper guides users to every expected action
5B. Pepper’s tablet is highly readable
5C. Pepper maintains standards in order to be predictable
5D. Pepper protects users from mistakes
5E. Pepper helps the user with difficulties
北構 武憲
本業はコミュニケーションロボットやVUI(Voice User Interface)デバイスに関するコンサルティング。主にハッカソン・アイデアソンやロボットが導入された現場への取材を行います。コミュニケーションロボットやVUIデバイスなどがどのように社会に浸透していくかに注目しています。